The following video demonstrates how telehealth, including videoconferencing, can cost-effectively improve access to care for a high-medical-need population that is socially isolated, geographically dispersed, and experiences language and cultural barriers to care. In this project, specially trained pharmacists provided medication therapy management services to nearly 100 older Cambodian-Americans.
Pharmacists identified 604 potentially harmful medication-related problems (MRPs). During the 12-month project:
- 93% of MRPs were resolved
- Medication adherence behaviors improved 23%
- Therapy outcome goals were achieved 24% more often.
- The projected ROI from avoided hospitalizations and ER visits was approximately $6 saved for every $1 spent on the project.
![YouTube video](
About Center for Technology and Aging:
Center for Technology and Aging. The Center is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2009 with a grant from The SCAN Foundation ( and is affiliated with the Public Health Institute ( Our purpose is to advance the diffusion of technologies that help older adults lead healthier lives and maintain independence.
The Center identifies promising strategies to promote the diffusion and adoption of technologies and provides grant funding to test selected strategies. In collaboration with grantees and key stakeholders, the Center will disseminate best practices and lessons learned from grant making initiatives. The Center serves as a state and national resource for those engaged in the promotion and implementation of successful technology diffusion strategies.