Infographic of the 20 most popular EMR solutions created by Capterra, Inc. Very interesting infographic that was created by Capterra solutions from examining the EMR software companies listed in their EMR Software Directory. From there, Capterra narrowed down the list by looking at web data for each of the vendors, including Alexa rankings, Compete traffic, and Google searches. While none of these are perfect indicators of popularity (particularly for B2B websites), the data gave them a way of
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Electronic Health Records (EHRs) | Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) | News, Analysis, Insights - HIT Consultant
HIMSS 2012 in Retrospect – From Patient Engagement to Big Data. Viva Las Vegas or Tumbling Dice?
The following is a guest post from Jane Sarasohn-Kahn's Health Populi blog reflecting her thoughts on last week's HIMSS12: The record attendance at HIMSS12, in terms of both attendees (numbering some 38,000) and exhibitors, illustrated just how hot health information technology has become in the 20 years since I first began attending this meeting — when it was only a few thousand hospital computer geeks and materials managers picking up pocket protectors and calculators
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The Proposed Rule for Stage 2 Meaningful Use NPRM Now Available
The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for Stage 2 meaningful use was posted to the Office of the Federal Register today. The proposed rule outlines the next stage of meaningful use for the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs, which are administered by CMS. CMS has developed a fact sheet to give providers an overview of the rule and how Stage 2 expands upon Stage 1 of meaningful use. The fact sheet can be found on the EHR Incentive Programs website
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Video:How DrFirst Helps Healthcare Stakeholders
DrFirst connects all the stakeholders of the healthcare industry including physicians, patients, hospitals, health plans, and EHR/EMR vendors through solutions that help doctors make more informed decisions that drive positive clinical outcomes for patients. The following video provides more information on how DrFirst can help healthcare providers in a number of ways including: E-prescribing Meaningful Use Attest Easy Free online EHR Advisor tool Smooth data migration
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Interview/Podcast:HIT Interoperability with Cameron Deemer, President at DrFirst Pt. 1
Previously, DrFirst has been primarily known as a leader in the e-prescribing space and the only certified solution to e-prescribe controlled substances with their EPCS Gold 2.0 product. Over the years, DrFirst Inc. has evolved into a more integrated HIT platform with their approach of promoting interoperability in integrating EMR/PMS and other health IT technology. Most importantly, DrFirst strongly believes in putting the DrFirst. In this interview podcast, HIT Consultant speaks
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Thought Leadership:The Total Cost of Ownership of EHR in a Meaningful Use World
When it comes to EMR and PM system implementation, every practice is asking, "What's this going to cost me?" Download the whitepaper The Total Cost of Ownership of EHR in a Meaningful Use World for ways to make the answer, "As little as possible." Learn how you can assess and minimize the total cost of ownership for an EMR and PM system in your practice: What costs to expect over the lifetime of your EMR and PM system How to use TCO in your EMR and PM system selection process How
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Epic Dominates in Number of Meaningful Use Attestations in 2011
The domination of Epic Systems continues according to a Meaningful Use Top 10 report released by the Institute for Health Technology Transformation leading all vendors with almost 28% (6,330) of Meaningful Use attestations in 2011. The report was compiled by vendor, state, and provider specialty based on the analysis of the most current data sets provided by the following: CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program attestations with the
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Study: U.S. Patients Have Little Control Over EHRs
The following is a recent study released by the Journal of Science & Technology Law revealing that American patients have little control and options regarding EHRs that may have implications on successful adoption of EHRs in the U.S. Summary The importance of the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and the associated cost savings cannot be ignored as an element in the changing delivery of health care. However, the potential cost savings predicted in the use of EHR are accompanied
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How Experienced Physicians are Transitioning to EMRs
IT Consultant Bruce Kleaveland, and learned how experienced physicians are transitioning to EMRs to keep pace with advancing technology Many experienced physicians are facing career-changing decisions these days. One of the toughest is whether to invest in electronic medical records and keep pace with advancing technology. Cost is an issue for some, and some physicians told us that changing workflow habits is a major concern. But as veteran Miami physician Dr. Arnold Oper tells us,
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Case Study: Virtua Implements CPOE
THE CHALLENGE Virtua was implementing the Siemens Soarian Clinical Information System (CIS) at its Voorhees hospital, a 295-bed regional medical center in the heart of Camden County in Southern New Jersey. Keeping in line with its focus on continued process improvements to enhance the patient care experience and digitize the healthcare system for the future, Virtua wanted to ensure that the technology was live at the its existing hospital before transitioning to a replacement facility in May
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