What You Should Know:
- Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered mental health screening pioneer Aiberry (pronounced “I” + “berry”) unveiled a new version of the Aiberry platform specifically designed to meet the needs of corporate wellness platform users.
- Easily integrated with all leading corporate wellness platforms, Aiberry uses an AI-powered therapeutic assistant, “Botberry,” to conduct a conversation to detect mental health disorders by analyzing what is being said, the speech patterns being used and even subtle changes in facial expressions. New analytics capabilities introduced as part of the Aiberry corporate wellness platform enable corporate wellness program administrators to track utilization of the platform as well as employee wellness over time.
Platform Expansion into Corporate Wellness
Aiberry for corporate wellness builds on a solid foundation of use in clinical settings including leading national recovery centers. These facilities have seen assessment accuracy and patient well-being improve measurably since the platform was implemented. Futures Recovery Healthcare found that the percentage of clients receiving an official diagnosis for a depressive disorder rose from 24% to 46% after Aiberry implementation, due to the system’s ability to detect depression in cases in which completion of self-reporting forms such as the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), currently the gold standard, did not. Futures found Aiberry to be more sensitive than traditional screening methods, as 45% of clients who scored in the severe range for depression on initial Aiberry assessment scored only “moderate” or “mild” when completing the PHQ-9.
“The expansion of the Aiberry platform into corporate wellness brings the benefits of AI-powered mental health assessment to a critical population, American workers, which is massively underserved by currently-available behavioral health resources,” said Aiberry Co-Founder and Co-CEO Linda Chung. “This delivers on our mission to offer objective, reliable, and scalable solutions via the power of AI, making behavioral healthcare accessible to all, and helps bring our vision, to empower patients and providers with the tools to effectively and efficiently assess behavioral health, to reality.”