HIT Consultant is protected in its entirety by copyright. No material that appears online may be reprinted in whole or part without permission. To obtain permission for individual articles or if you would like to syndicate HIT Consultant content on a regular basis, please contact Fred Pennic or 404-941-4887
Reprints are a great promotional tool for your business. Our reprint services include: 1. Custom Reprints Quality customized reprints of HIT Consultant articles that are of particular interest to your healthcare organization can be utilized as a powerful promotional tool for your in-house marketing and/or training material. 2. E-Prints (electronic reprints for online display) In addition to custom reprints, HIT Consultant can also create customized, digital version of HIT Consultant articles in high resolution PDF format that can be posted directly on your company or healthcare provider’s website or intranet. To learn more, please contact: Jasmine Pennic – Director of Marketing